The CODATA-RDA Data Steward School




Given the expected increase in demand for Data Stewards and Data Stewardship skills it is clear that there is a need to develop training, education and CPD (continuous professional development) in this area.

In this paper a brief introduction is provided to the origin of definitions of Data Stewardship. Also it notes the present tendency towards equivalence between Data Stewardship skills and FAIR principles. It then focuses on one specific training event – the pilot Data Stewardship strand of the CODATA-RDA Research Data Science schools that by the time of the IDCC meeting will have been held in Trieste in August 2019. The paper will discuss the overall curriculum for the pilot school, how it matches with the FAIR4S framework, and plans for getting feedback from the students.

Finally, the paper discuss future plans for the school, in particular how to deepen the integration between the Data Stewardship strand with the Early Career Researcher strand.

[This paper is a conference pre-print presented at IDCC 2020 after lightweight peer review.]





Conference Pre-prints

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